Biomass Technology Capacity Building and Studies


Biomass Technology Capacity Building and Studies
(Author?? CRESP   Date??2006-9-8 16:05:40 )
The objective of the Biomass Technology Capacity Building and Studies is to build biomass technology capacity at all levels through conducting workshops and training on specific topics related to biomass technology, and to conduct studies to support the development of biomass electricity projects.
Activities under the Biomass Technology Capacity Building element are initiated by the PMO. The activities carried out under this element are specified in the annual plan prepared by the PMO. As the annual plan requires approval from NDRC and World Bank No Objection, activities in the approved annual plan can be carried out without requiring prior approval, other than the normal procurement approvals or World Bank No Objections. Activities the PMO intends to carry out that are not in the annual plan require separate approval by NDRC and World Bank No Objection.
For approved activities the PMO will follow the established procurement procedures. The first step is always the preparation of a TOR and estimating the budget.
Activities that can be supported
The specific activities that will be supported under this element can not be specified in detail at this stage. The support needed will become apparent during project implementation. It is expected that this will be less in the first year, but increase in the second and third year of Phase 1 of CRESP. The kind of activities that can be supported is however, clearly defined.
The following activities can be supported under this element:
1.       Workshops
??         Organization of workshops
??         Renting workshop facilities
??         Production of workshop materials
??         Conducting workshops
??         Participation (with or without cost share)
??         Hospitality during workshops
??         Preparation of workshop reports
??         Dissemination of outcome
??         Support participation of workshops organized by others (with or without cost share)
2.       Training
??         Preparation of training material and training courses
??         Conducting training
??         Rent training room and facilities
??         Provision of training materials
??         Participation (with or without cost share)
??         Conducting information and awareness campaigns
??         Study tours
??         Organizing training abroad of individuals and of groups
??         Support participation of training organized by others (with or without cost share)
3.       Meetings
??         Organize exhibitions or trade fairs
??         Support participation (with or without cost share)
??         Support participation in exhibitions and trade fairs organized by others
4.       Studies
??         Conducting studies
??         Dissemination of results through reporting (editing, printing)
??         Dissemination of results through workshops, training and meetings (see above)
All activities need to relate directly to capacity building on biomass technology or studies which help to promote biomass electricity project implementation. For each proposed activity the PMO needs to indicate how the proposed activity will support scaling up biomass electricity generation.