China Annual Summary Report 7 of Renew [ 2007-05-22 16:09:01 ] |
Annual Summary Report 7 of Renewable Energy International Cooperation Programs
Sino-Germany Rural Renewable Energy Program
2006 Work Summary and Key Activities Planned for 2007
I. Background
The Sino-Germany Rural RE Program (RREP) has been implemented for four years since it initiated in June 2006. According to the agreement, the program is implemented at national and provincial levels. It has three project components: institutional development and capacity building, policy study, and quality improvement. In order to facilitate better communication between the government agencies at the national level and provincial level, and between investors, the PMO has issued information on the program implementation progress in a regular basis. In accordance with an arrangement between the Ministry of Commerce and the German counterpart, the PMO has taken part of responsibility in coordinating project activities conducted in Tibet and Gansu Province.
II. Completed Deliverables in 2006
2.1 At National Level:
1) After on-site investigations and surveys of the PV systems at 45 rural villages located in Qinghai, Xinjiang, Yunnan, and Gansu provinces and data processing and analysis of the 49 operational PV systems, the ??Report on the rural village independent PV system operation and performance study and evaluation?? has been completed.
2) Based on the review and analysis of China renewable electricity industry status and development, and compared with the international experience in RE training activities in the developed countries, the ??feasibility study with input on establishing the professional training program for renewable energy electricity?? and ??suggestions on bring the RE training program into China national education system?? have been completed.
3) Based on interviews of 45 rural village PV system operators in Qinhai, Xinjiang, Yunnan, and Gansu provinces and result analysis, a ??report on interviews of PV system and wind power station operators?? has been completed. The report has resulted in a concise teaching material for training the operators.
4) The ??rural PV system and wind power station user survey report?? has been completed based on interviews of 369 users of 60 off-grid village power supply systems in Qinghai, Xinjiang, Yunnan, and Gansu provinces. The user report also helped completion of an ??easy book for rural RE electricity users??.
5) 4 training instructors and 8 training evaluators have obtained their ISP certificates.
6) A training class for teachers on off-grid PV/wind electricity station operators was convened in Lanzhou, Gansu province. 24 trainees from Qinhai and Gansu took part in the training with 20 of them passed examination.
7) A ??RE electricity consultancy and training center?? has been established at the Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The institute has reached an agreement with the labor administration to jointly organize the teacher''s training program and award the passed trainees with certificate issued by the Ministry of Labor Administration. This activity will help establish a long-term mechanism for RE training.
2.2 At the Provincial Level:
2.2.1 Qinhai
1) A system of PV powered water pump installed for demonstration, 6 sets of temperature measurement instrument installed to monitor and collect solar houses in order to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of several types of solar houses.
2) Technical persons took part in the ??PV system test skills?? training class, the CDM training program organized by GTZ in Lanzhou, the training class on PV System Design in Hanzhou, the on-site training project on water pump installation organized by the Lorence Pump, and the teachers training class provided for the KFW project implementation units.
3) Qinhai organized the third operator training class in order to prepare for the KfW phase II program.
4) RREP has assisted QBEC for the ISO9001 and ISO2000 quality management certificate activities. The ongoing activities are to help QNERI labs obtain qualification for renewable energy technology equipment test and experiments and help Suntech Nima Company to improve the laboratory test instrument and update accounting software package.
5) Assisted in updating www.qhsolar.com website contents and making TV programs about GTZ and KfW projects.
6) Joined the GTZ PV study tour to Europe and supported 10 people from counties in a study tour to Yunnan to see the KfW project there.
2.2.2 Yunnan
1) 80 rural home PV electricity systems have been installed with total capacity about 12.8 KW. Equipment procurement for 2 KW grid-in PV systems has been completed and now is under installation. In the early 2006, cell phones have been equipped for the Yunnan phase-I PV stations to help better communication and station management.
2) About 100 PV station operators for the Sino-Germany funded Phase-II projects have been trained to prepare for the Germany funded phase-II PV stations.
3) Supported the study on the management regulation for Yunnan PV station sustained operation. Detailed planning methods for renewable energy development in Yunnan and the RE Law implementation regulations have been formulated.
4) Supported the program outreach website. Organized a team participating in the national RE Law quiz contest and entered in the CCTV final contest and won the second prize.
5) Supported preparation activities of ??China Southwest Regional RE Training Center?? and supported the Yunnan Normal University''s Renewable Energy Course curriculum program.
6) Joined the GTZ PV study tour to Europe and supported domestic study tours to Qinhai, Xinjiang, and Gansu .
7) Under the assistance and funding support by German technological companies, the CDM Program Training Class was held in Yunnan. Supported the National 9th PV Technology Conference in Chengdu, Sichuan.
8) German consultants conducted an investigation on the micro-hydro project in Simao, Yunnan.
III. Key Activities for 2007
Up to the completion in September 2007, this program will achieve all its objectives. So far, the implementation of the ??power rural villages?? project has achieved the project strategic mission. The past and current activities are to improve the project and support the follow on ??power rural community?? renewable energy project.
3.1 At National Level:
1) Capacity Building: focusing on renewable energy consultancy and training center establishment, the project will continue teachers training program at provincial level training centers and support RE power generation technical training activities.
2) Policy Studies: the study activities will be conducted on rural RE electricity scale up, mechanisms, regulations, and planning methods. Based on the studies, policy input on renewable electricity for green counties and on power price subsidy mechanisms will be provided.
3) Quality Assurance: study with policy input on quality assurance system for grid-off wind power and PV electricity, as well as on standards, technical codes, and bidding document evaluation activities.
3.2 Qinghai
3.2.1. Technical Improvement
1) Continue the PV/Wind-PV Hybrid Power Station Operation Monitoring project and complete the report on system test.
2) Study on the optimal slope angles of the fixed solar PV systems in Qinhai province.
3) Power station management software development for Qinghai KfW projects.
4) Procurement, installation, and test of test instrument/equipment for rural home PV systems.
5) Assist The Qinghai Suntech Nima Solar Power Co. Ltd to obtain TUV certificate for PV battery component.
6) Support the Qinghai Suntech Nima Solar Power Co. Ltd to develop software for PV battery component quality control.
3.2.2 Training
1) To conduct 4 or 5 power station operator training classes for KfW project to prepare for the KfW phase-II projects implementation.
2) Advanced training for technical personnel from Chinese investors.
3) Train technical staff of the Qinghai Suntech Nima Solar Power Co. Ltd for its battery component production line.
4) New staff training on renewable energy utilization.
5) PMO staff training on international collaborative project management.
3.2.3 Institutional Capacity Building
1) Establishment of the Qinghai RE training center.
2) Establishment of the Qinghai CDM technical service center.
3.2.4 Outreach Activities
1) Compiling the Sino-Germany Cooperation Program TV documentary and broadcasting before the program ends.
2) Updating company website contents.
3.2.5 International and Domestic Workshops
1) Participate in workshops on RE technologies and policies.
2) Host China Qinghai RE summit forum.
3) Before the program ends, organize a post-KfW project power station management workshop.
3.3 Yunnan
1) It has been planned to provide 35 cell phone sets to the phase-II PV station operators to facilitate communication and station management.
2) Continue study on the Yunnan government supported phase-II project management.
3) Training of 100 PV station operators for the phase-II projects.
4) Complete project on ??regulations for the Yunnan PV station sustained management??. Make the Renewable Energy Development Plan for Yunnan Province and the supporting regulations for the RE Law implementation in Yunnan province.
5) Support improvement the program outreach website.
6) To complete ??China Southwest Regional RE Training Center??.
7) Implement the Yunnan Normal University''s Renewable Energy Course curriculum program.
8) Organize a study tour to the Southwest provinces to exchange project experience.
9) Joined the GTZ PV study tour to Europe and supported domestic study tours to Qinhai, Xinjiang, and Gansu
10) Cast a TV program on the technical assistance projects in Yunnan.
11) Technical workshops.
12) Install 80 sets of rural home PV systems in Jianchuan, Dali, and install 2 KW grid-in demonstration systems in Kunming.
13) RREP will continue to install 351 home PV system, a 10 KW grid-in PV system for demonstration, and a 5 KW off-grid PV system.
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